How to Get Your Bills Reimbursed by CNS – Luxembourg’s Healthcare System | Vauban&Fort

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It was a long week of recurring fever, a sore throat and then a visit to the Doctor. I had a quick teleconsultation with my GP to check if I needed any additional medication. Fortunately, my symptoms were mild and I was only prescribed a basic set of flu medication. The clinic also asked me to send the bills over to the CNS (Caisse Nationale de Santé). Being new to the city, I was initially confused with how the reimbursement process for medical bills works in Luxembourg but was pleasantly surprised with how seamless it all was, even during a pandemic.

Healthcare in Luxembourg is covered by the Caisse Nationale de Santé (CNS). Chances are that as an expat, if you are employed you are normally affiliated to the ‘Private Employees Health Office’ (Caisse de Maladie des Employés Privés) unless you work for the Luxembourg state.

Once your employer has registered you, a form is sent to you by the CCSS requesting details of all family members and dependents so they can be included on the social security insurance. A social security card (Carte de Sécurité Sociale- CCSS) is then issued to the insured and each dependent by post. This card must be taken with you to any medical visits to ensure reimbursement is carried out seamlessly.

If you are self-employed, you will first have to register with the CCSS to gain access to CNS.

Source: Vauban&Fort

Who and What Are Covered

In Luxembourg, the following persons can be covered primary insured, regardless of whether he or she is from an EU Member state or not:

  • The spouse or partner (civil union, known as PACS)
  • A child who is either:
    • legitimate,
    • legitimated,
    • natural,
    • adopted or
    • taken in on a long-term basis in the household

Most medical and hospital care as well as medication is covered, but some drugs may require prior authorization from the CNS or its Medical Board (CMSS). Doctors and dentists must comply with rates fixed by the CNS. Reimbursement for doctors is 100% for children under 18 years and 88% for adults.

Some medical services are not covered by the CNS (e.g. purely cosmetic surgery). For these procedures, the hospital costs incurred are not covered either.

Hospital costs such as beds are directly covered by the CNS, adults over 18 years need to pay a cost of 10-20 EUR/night. The CNS does not cover the cost of a private room.

Getting Reimbursed by the CNS

Source: CNS Website

As I had no hospital admission, all I had to do was submit my paid medical expenses as a reimbursement request in an envelope and send it to:

Caisse Nationale de Santé – Service Virements, 125 Route d’Esch L-1471 Luxembourg

As I was applying for reimbursement the first time, I also had to include my full name, address, 13-digit identification number and my bank details. Three weeks later, I was delighted to see that my expenses had been reimbursed.

Despite being new to the city, in the end I was pleasantly surprised by how seamlessly it all worked out with the CNS.

About Vauban&Fort

Vauban&Fort is a pioneer of Co-Living in Luxembourg and has over 12 years of experience in flatshares for professionals in London, New York and Luxembourg. We apply our expertise and know-how to make sure our clients get the best possible housing experience in Luxembourg. You can find out more about Co-Living here and if you have any questions, drop us an e-mail.

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We have over 12 years of experience in flatshares for professionals in London, New York and Luxembourg. As an agency, we apply our expertise and know-how to ensure clients find the most suitable solution to rent a room in Luxembourg, a studio, or a shared house with other people.

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